Does Cookout Take Apple Pay?

Cookout takes Apple Pay payments. Find out how to use Apple Pay to make payments at Cookout.
Tebid Kelly
does cookout take apple pay

Where are those burger lovers out there?

This is something you'd definitely love.

Cookout, your favorite fast-food restaurant chain known for its delicious burgers, hot dogs, and milkshakes, has embraced the digital payment revolution. Yes, Cookout does take Apple Pay payments allowing you to seamlessly pay for your burger orders.

In this article, I'll show you how to use Apple Pay at Cookout.

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How To Use Apple Pay At Cookout

As you all know, once a restaurant accepts Apple Pay, the digital wallet's convenience makes it very easy for customers to pay for their favorite meals.

With that said, using Apple Pay at Cookout is very easy and straightforward.

To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up your Apple Wallet

Before visiting a Cookout restaurant, make sure you have set up Apple Wallet on your iPhone or other Apple devices.

Don't forget to add your credit or debit card to your Apple Wallet app to complete the setup.

Step 2: Place your Order

After setting up your Apple Wallet, you'll want to begin using it to pay for your favorite meal at Cookout.

Before doing that, you need to place your order at Cookout.

To do so:

  1. Check Cookout's menu.
  2. Navigate your favorite meal.
  3. Add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout.

Step 3: Complete your purchase:

Done with placing your order at Cookout? Great, it's time to complete your purchase.

To do so:

  1. Open the Apple Wallet app on your device.
  2. Hold your device near the contactless payment terminal at the register.
  3. Authenticate the payment using Face ID, Touch ID, or your device passcode.
  4. Once the payment is authorized, you will receive a confirmation on your device, and the transaction will be complete.

Does Cookout Drive-thru Take Apple Pay?

Yes, the Cookout drive-thru does take Apple Pay.

And even if they don't take Apple Pay in your location, you can discuss with a representative to know whether they can make it possible for you to pay for your order with Apple Pay.

Does Cookout Take Google Pay?

Yes, Cookout does take Google Pay—meaning, you can use Google Pay to make payments at Cookout's locations.

Final Thoughts

Cookout is one of the fast-food restaurants that take Apple Pay payments. By doing so, it offers convenience and a seamless experience to customers looking to use Apple Pay to pay for their orders.

About the Author

Tebid Kelly
I'm Tebid Kelly, A Content Creator, Video Producer Financial Consultant and Certified Google Publisher. I write contents for, which are my two blogs.

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