How To Get Money Off A Temporary Green Dot Card

Getting money off a temporary Green Dot card is easy. Here's how.
Tebid Kelly
how to get money off temporary green dot card

You can get money off a temporary Green Dot card to increase its flexibility.

The temporary Green Dot card is completely different from the Green Dot card in that it can only be used for a short period of time — that's where it's name temporary comes from.

How frequently you use the temporary debit card, though, will determine how long you can use it. Once all the money on the card has been spent, you won't be able to reload it.

The Green Dot debit card is a prepaid card issued by the Green Dot bank that may be used to make purchases both online and in stores.

You can buy things overseas with many other debit cards, but not with a temporary Green Dot card. You will need cash while traveling abroad for a variety of transactions. If you only have the temporary Green Dot, you'll need to purchase another card.

Once your identity has been confirmed, you can use your temporary card just like any other debit card. Even better, you can reload the card to keep using it repeatedly.

Debit cards with reloadable balances are useful since they do away with the need to frequently apply for new cards.

Debit cards are often a secure way to keep large sums of cash in your wallet. Carrying a lot of notes in your briefcase is no longer a concern unless you do it for enjoyment, which is also unsafe.

However, one of the best options available is virtual prepaid debit cards such as the Green Dot card.

Surprisingly, getting the card is extremely simple, but since you can't use it at ATMs, it's not always clear how to withdraw money from the card. So, how might a temporary Green Dot card be used to withdraw cash?

The best way to get money off a temporary Green Dot card is by withdrawing at a member Visa card since you can't use the card to receive cash at ATMs.

Additionally, you can use it to pay bills, transfer money to a bank, and purchase goods and services online.

Having said that, if you're interested in learning more about how each of these approaches functions, keep reading because I'll show you the most effective ways to get money off a temporary Green Dot Card in this guide.

Can I Get Money Off my Temporary Green Dot card?

This is a very important question to ask yourself first.

Yes, you can get money off your temporary green dot card.

Below, we've highlighted 4 ways to get money off a temporary Green Dot card.

Also Read: How to Add Another Card to Green Dot Account

4 Ways to Get Money Off a Temporary Green Dot Card

You might need to make a withdrawal from your temporary Green Dot card. What's the best course of action then?

A Green Dot card can be used to make withdrawals using a number of devices, including ATMs.

Remember that you cannot use the temporary Green Dot card to make an ATM withdrawal.

However, you can still get money off your temporary Green Dot card using the methods given below.

1. Withdraw at a Member Visa Bank

You can get money off your temporary Green Dot card at a Visa bank member.

Simply show the card to the cashier and ask them to take out a certain amount of money from your card.

2. Transfer to a Bank

Transferring money to a Green Dot bank account is another easy way to get money off your temporary Green Dot card.

To do this, all you need to do is visit the Green Dot Bank website.

To quickly transfer money to your bank account, find the Bank Transfer option and adhere to the on-screen instructions.

The funds will immediately show up in the designated account once you've complied with all instructions.

3. Pay Bills

When you pay your bills, money is withdrawn from your card account.

Your account is automatically debited for the amount you pay with your card.

4. Purchase Goods and Service

Your temporary card can be used to make online purchases of products and services.

Your PIN is all you need to make purchases.

You can also submit your card details when checking out on a website for an online retailer.

How to Get a Temporary Green Dot Card

It is relatively easy to get a temporary Green Dot card.

All you need to do to obtain the card is visit the Green Dot website and register.

Additionally, you can purchase the card at any participating retailer, register it, recharge it, and then use it straight away.

If you order your temporary card online, it will be in your mailbox in two weeks.

After then, the card can only be activated using the Green Dot card activation website. The 1-866-785-6963 number can also be used to activate your Green Dot card.

When activating the card, you must enter the card number, the security code printed on the back of the card, the card's expiration date, and the last four digits of your social security number.

You will also be required to select a 4-digit PIN for your card during the activation process.

A PIN on the card makes sure that nobody else can use it to make purchases. A card number that can be used to make transactions online is provided with the card.

Once the card is activated, you can use it for many different things, including making purchases and sending money.

Regardless of whether two cards are issued by the same company or not, you can transfer money from one card to another.

Can I Use My Temporary Green Dot Card Online?

Yes, you can use the temporary Green Dot card online for your purchases.

How Long Can I Use My Temporary Green Dot Card?

The time you can use your temporary Green Dot card depends on how frequently you use the card for purchases.

Once the funds in the card get finish, you won't be able to reload the card and use it. 

How to Send Money Using a Green Dot Card

You can quickly transfer money from your card account to another person in the US.

All you need is the recipient's phone number or email address to continue with the following steps:

  • Navigate to Pay Bills and People on your Green Dot card account.
  • After that, go to Pay People and then to Send Money.
  • Fill in the recipient's name, phone number, email address, memo, and amount to send.
  • To complete the transaction, click "Continue" and review the information you entered before clicking "Send Money."

By using the steps listed above, you can send money to various Green Dot users all around the United States.

Additionally, money can be moved from Green Dot cards to mobile wallets.

You can transfer money from Green Dot to PayPal, for instance, when you add the card to PayPal.

Does the Temporary Green Dot Card Accepts Direct Deposits?

Yes, but you can only do this after proving your identity. A temporary card can only be used for a short period of time before it expires, as was previously mentioned.

Among other things, receiving money from your employer, government benefits, and tax refunds via direct deposit is convenient.

Final Thoughts: How to Get Money Off a Temporary Green Dot Card

Green Dot debit card is a prepaid card issued by Green Dot that may be used to purchase products and services both online and in shops.

Only purchases, money transfers, and bank deposits are permitted with the temporary Green Dot card.

The temporary card cannot, however, be used to withdraw money from an ATM.

Once your account has been verified, you might be eligible to receive money by direct deposit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use my temporary Green Dot card?

Your temporary Green Dot card will be ready to use for purchases in the US in 2 business days. You will only be able to spend the funds already loaded to this card. Your temporary card cannot be reloaded, does not have ATM or cash access, and cannot be used internationally. Your PIN can be used for purchase transactions only.

How can I get money off my Green Dot card without the card?

You can access available funds on your account using the Green Dot app to pick up cash at Walmart. Visit the Manage Card section in the app and follow the prompts to generate a time-sensitive barcode that allows you access to pick up cash at Walmart.

Why can't I use my temporary Green Dot card?

Your temporary Green Dot card can only be registered, and not activated. That is because the card is not personalized with your name, and does not have your address associated with the account. You can register the card here.

About the Author

Tebid Kelly
I'm Tebid Kelly, A Content Creator, Video Producer Financial Consultant and Certified Google Publisher. I write contents for, which are my two blogs.

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